Enterprise Mobile application
Android based Students and Providers
Administration and Management Systems in
New Zealand Largest Tertiary
Education Provider

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is one of New Zealand’s largest tertiary education providers. For the past 30 years, TWoA provided an alternative within New Zealand tertiary education sector for 30 years, enhancing the skills and employment opportunities of more than 50,000 graduates. Operating from over 80 locations throughout the country, they provide a unique learning environment and comprehensive range of certificate to degree level qualifications to New Zealanders of all ages and walks of life.
Business Challenges
Covalense Global was commissioned to undertake the enterprise application development for management and administration of Students (Tauira), Tutors (Kaitiaki). Known as Providers Administration and Management System (PAMS). TWoA was earlier using four different applications to manage their providers across New Zealand. Covalense Global built a unified system with following features, the system monitors and administer the management of providers, students and tutor’s activities; attendance, progress and assessments of courses; Kete (student resources) dispatch and management; real time payments to the providers and interaction with NZQA approved student database like Take 2. Since home based learning (HBL) offered by TWoA is accessed across New Zealand, there is a business requirement to port the enterprise system on mobile devices like tablets and mobiles for the students and staff. PAMS was initially developed in Microsoft.Net framework and later the enterprise application has been ported on Android framework for anywhere anytime accessibility for the providers.
Covalense Global developed an Android based numeracy and literacy programme known as Papa Kupu that will enable the students to learn the programme curriculum and run through via videos.
Android platform has quickly established itself as a dominant mobile OS for enterprises and the new releases with enhanced security features such as default encryption, increased protection against brute-force attacks, secure device-sharing features etc with consistent and unified way to manage enterprise apps has increased the adoption of android devices in the enterprise.
Business benefits
PAMS application has ensured higher level of focus for the students (Tauira) and Tutors (Kaitiaki/Kaiako) ensured higher involvement with students than with administrative issues. Greater levels of student engagement lead to higher levels of retention. The turnaround time of the business process involved in student extensions/re-enrolments was reduced from 3 days to few minutes.
PAMS provides a single screen interface to access 50 critical student information needs and the performance enhanced through new system architecture with server centric data processing, software configuration and DB performance tuning strategies. All internal student and provider activities of TWoA were migrated into a single unified solution and this has further reduced the support and maintenance costs.