Revenue Management Implementation

A US based company leading the space of satellite communication and providing voice and data service to various enterprise resellers

About the Client

A US based company leading the space of satellite communication and providing voice and data service to various enterprise resellers

Business Objective

Seamlessly introduce new services in the system without any disruption in existing ones
Provide better quality of data service
Efficient Utilization of existing as well new communication infrastructure
Provide flexible subscription groups for existing and new voice and data services
Create new offering and be ready to fulfill and monetize these service with short time to market

Implementation Highlights and Achievements

Introduced a generic subscription group service and member services
Service Order decomposition for member services addressed by different activation systems
Integration with activation system for the new services
Invoicing implementation revamp by re-designing the existing implementation with a service agnostic implementation, where new elements, groupings and aggregations can be introduced by only configuration

Business Benefits

Provide better quality of data service
Improving time to market
Better composition of product offering
Better maintainability with more configurations than customization

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